The LSMATS consultation document states that one of its core functions is to reduce emissions from transport by 50% by 2030. However, the modelling report reveals that the strategy measures will only reduce CO2 by 15.8%. This will not even offset the projected increase in background growth emissions of 25%.

LSMATS and CO2 emissions targets
LSMATS needs to align with national CO2 targets at the starting point
Ambitious increases in electric vehicles and increases in biofuels will bring the total reduction to less than 35% against a 50% target (i.e. missing the target by 15%, or almost as much as the whole strategy reduced CO2). The NTA state that “Following the adoption of the final LSMATS, it is intended that an additional demand management study will be undertaken, in conjunction with a further examination of goods vehicles’ operation, to develop finalised proposals to achieve the intended level of emissions reductions.”
The development of LSMATS dates back to 2018, It is disappointing that at this stage of a 20-year strategy all we have is an intention that somebody will do a study to develop proposals to meet a core function of the plan. This strategy is setting us up to fail and Limerick deserves better.

Data showing how background growth will outstrip the impact of strategy measures. Source, page 81 LSMATS modelling report April 2022
Develop a more ambitious plan to reduce the projected increase in background growth emissions and create a regularly updated implementation plan that puts us on a trajectory to meet our 2030 and 2050 targets, within the next 6 months.
The Limerick Cycling Campaign has collated its observations on the second draft of LSMATS under the following headings
The second and final draft of LSMATS is open for public consultation until Friday 10th of June 2022
- LSMATS needs stepped targets and an effective monitoring regime
- LSMATS needs to do more to meet climate goals
- LSMATS Transport and Public Health
- LSMATS Education and Schools
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